Identity Theft – Is The Internet A Major Factor?

Identity theft ? also known as ID theft, identity fraud and ID fraud ? describes a type of fraud where a criminal adopts someone else?s identity in order to profit illegally. It is one of the fastest growing forms of fraud in many developed countries.

In the UK identity theft is increasing at the rate of 500ach year and, according to Which Magazine, 25f the population have either suffered from identity theft or know someone who has.

In the USA, a report issued by the Better Business Bureau revealed that, in 2004, over 9 million Americans became victims of identity theft with the total sum defrauded being $52 Continue reading

Innovation in Mobile Search Technology, Unique Content and Mobile Digital Entertainment Open New Avenues for Market and ARPU Growth and Report on the Evolution of Mobile Search and Entertainment Maximizing Value for Consumers and Wireless Carriers

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., October 19, 2005 – (ISES), an investor news portal for the search engine sector, and (IIW), a portal dedicated to investor information on the wireless industry, report on the growing opportunities within the mobile arena as it embraces search technology and mobile entertainment. Market perspectives are presented from Richi Jennings, Analyst with Ferris Research, Inc Continue reading

Internet addiction!

The Internet is fast becoming just another part of everyday life, much like the TV and the computer itself. What started as something amazing, exciting, and often out of reach, has become commonplace and freely available. Technology is advancing at an amazing rate. I can remember when 56k connections were the new exciting fad that everyone just had to have, and now you?re almost abnormal if you still chug along with your trusty dialup. The Net has become integrated into our lives, as people are becoming dependant on its services. The advent of the Internet has its threatening side though. It has been found that some people are becoming addicted to the online world Continue reading

Internet Auction Sites : Find Good Deals on Almost Anything

You can find good deals on almost everything you need on internet auction sites. There is almost nothing that you can?t find over the internet. You can find great deals on Avon collectables, collectable toys, sports memorabilia, or anything else that you can think of on auction sites such as and

Most people think of eBay when they think of online auctions, but Ubid has everything that you could need in an internet auction website. There are many things that you can find on Ubid that you can?t find using traditional stores.

You can find out of stock items, specialty collectables or many other items on websites such as Ubid, eBay and Yahoo Auctions Continue reading

Internet ISP’s

Choosing an internet ISP is often a rash and impulsive decision, but you should put more research and time into this decision to achieve the best results. Internet ISP?s are the portal by which you get onto the internet to visit websites. There are many different ones to choose from. The main goal that you should have in choosing one is that it offers a steady and consistent connection without disruptions, as well as speed.

Internet ISP service prices vary from company to company. You should not solely base your decision on price though. There are many other things to take into consideration when choosing an internet ISP Continue reading